Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letter 38:: 7/22/2013 + Pictures!

Well my time has come to an end out here in beautiful Passaic. But I am excited. This last thursday I got a call and found out that I will be training again. :) I am so excited to be a dad once more haha. This time will be a little bit different because we will be getting doubled in somewhere. Which means it will be a brand new area for both of us. It will be crazy and I am excited. Everyone says it is an experience you need to have, being doubled in training. I will learn a lot that is for sure.
 Well that is great to hear that you are all in Bear Lake. I know it cant be quite as fun without me. I am sorry I wasnt there to help you with the boat... and about the scratch but that is something I have learned. things always seem to happen when something is new. But it gives it character. :) Like a new tie, I seem to spill on those a lot more.... But really I am glad you are all having a good time up there, I hope you have a great weekend and dont get too sun burnt.
 This week was great! I pretty much new I was leaving so I just tried to give Passaic and Elder Wood everything I had. I feel like I did. Yesterday was the most rewarding day. Mitchell was baptized!!! It was such a cool experience too. He showed up super early and was dressed in a white shirt and dress pants for the first time. Then came the time for the baptism. I was able to perform the baptism and the best part was afterwards. we asked him to stand up and tell everyone how he felt. He described how peaceful he felt after he came up out of the water and that he felt a powerful cleansing and peace in his heart. I had never heard him speak like that and he described perfectly the Holy Ghost. He could not smiling the rest of the day. It really was a sweet experience. He also tried to hug Hermana Jorgensen and I ran at  him and pushed him a way that was a really funny experience. then later in the day we were able to visit a part member family. The mom is a member and the dad is the investigator they have two kids and are not married. We taught them about the importance of the Book of Mormon and it was a powerful lesson. plus a Miracle happened. They said that they want to get married!! yay. and he said he would commit to a baptismal date if he reads and prays and then receives and answer. Pretty awesome. So yes that was the deal and it looks like next week I will be somewhere else in Jersey. I dont know where tho... We will see. I am going to send you all a letter in the mail today so I will leave the return address blank and then write it when I know and send it. I know that this church is true and that the Savior lives. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us and living that plan is the most important thing. Through Jesus Christ we can do it. It is so amazing. I love you all so much! Its all true. Everything.
Love Elder Boyer

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