Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letter 39:: 7/29/2013

Welll here is the news...........I am in Somerset New Jersey and I love it here. There are so many good things that I dont even know where to start. I guess I will start with my companion. His name is Elder Perez and he is from Las Vegas Nevada. It is pretty funny because he is hispanic but does not know Spanish. So I get to help him with that.  He is great though. He has a strong testimony, he is obedient, and he wants to be the best missionary he can be. I am excited to serve him and serve with him. So our area consists of most of the city of Somerset and then a part of New Brunswick. Which is actually right where the campus for Rutgers University is. Also I have been upgraded to going from a Branch to a ward. Not only that but it is the highest baptizing ward in New Jersey. and now it has four sets of missionaries. Though it does cover quite a bit of area. The church is 20 minutes away from where we live and we dont even live on the edge of the boundaries. But yes we just were added into the ward as the fourth set of missionaries and the ward is excited for it. One reason I think this ward works so well is because it has great leaders. The Bishop is great and seems to have a big focus on missionary work, He is young too, kind of reminds me of Adam except he is hispanic. Also yesterday the Elders quorumn pres. invited us over to his house and basically gave us a rundown on our area and the members that live in it. He told us exactly what we can do to help them. and build this area.; It was great. plus we got some good food. 
The tough part has been being able to teach people, we havent really been able to get in contact with many members and we were given two investigators but we have not been able to meet with them yet. So we have been doing a lot of finding and walking.( oh yeah and our area is walking too :) ) it has been trying but things just keep getting better and better and we are working hard. One thing I realized that I can do is show more faith and trust by letting my companion have more responsibility, because that is my most important calling. to build him. and as I show that faith than the area will naturally grow and we will see miracles as a result. That is what happened to us last night. we truly felt like instruments in the lords hands. First we were walking on the street heading toward a potentials house and we saw a lady walking who seemed like she was in a lot of pain. after we passed by her.. we then saw her turn around and we felt like we should stop. She approached us and explained that she needed help getting her perscription at the rite aid up the street. So we walked with her there. As we did we began talking about how that was why we are here.. to help people. she was very interested and continued listening and asking questions. Rite Aid ended up being closed so we walked back with her and continued to share more as well. She asked us if she could get a copy of the Book of Mormon. And we set up a time to come back and share it with her. We know God directed us right to her.
Then we went to the house to look for a potential investigator. Before they opened the door I told Elder Perez that he had it if it was in English. A Dominican man answered the door but he spoke English. Elder Perez simply asked if we could share a message about Jesus Christ and he said " yes" it was awkward for a second because we didnt know what to share and we were going all over the place. Then we opened to the intro to the Book of Mormon and pointed to the third paragraph which talks about peace in this life and the plan of salvation. and then the conversation directed to the plan. Later Adrian ( the man) opened up and told us that his father passed away but he had a very special experience and because of that he knows his dad is still there. We said a prayer with him and afterwards it was a sweet experience as he thanked us for the prayer. He said he had been having a rough day and the prayer helped him feel a lot better. Those words helped me feel so much better. It feels so good to help others feel better and happier. :) 
So yes that is the rundown on the week here in Somerset. It was sad leaving Passaic but I love it here. Oh and our apartment is nice. It is a two man and it has a washer and dryer.:0  
It sounds like you all had another traditional week out there in Bear Lake. I love that place so much. I think this is the only other place that could be better than Bear Lake. New Jersey and Bear Lake. Two of the most special places for me ever.Anyways sounds like it was perfect and the new tube sounds amazing. How was the ride yall took for me?? Yes send me pics. That sweet that Anika went on the rope swing, and Noah kind of went.. good thing he is ok! and Maclean is getting ready to go to the Temple!!! that is so cool. I love that place. I am a little Jealous because now I have to wait until December to go. But good luck my man. It is nothing to be too worried about. Just feel the peace.
Well I guess I better get going.. The Gospel is real. Christ Lives and loves us and it is all worth it:)  Share it with everyone!
Love You!!! 
Love Elder Tanner Boyer

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