Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letter 40:: 8/5/2013

Haha well hi everyone. I am just sitting here loving my mission over here in New Jersey and I am really happy. It was so great to hear from you all. I was just laying in bed last night thinking about all of you and how I honestly have the best family. I feel so blessed and I love every one of you. ( Dont worry tho it isnt because I am homesick) Like I said I am really beginning to love my mission. Somerset is so good I love the people here, the ward has a great desire to do missionary work and they want to help others. Those we have talked with all have a strong testimony of the Savior and I get strengthened everytime we visit someone. It is amazing. My testimony is getting stronger and stronger. I LOVE the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have never felt happier. I am not going to lie though, gettting this area going has been difficult. It is a lot different than Passaic and I still need to make sure Elder Perez s needs are first and that he learns the right things. I am constantly trying to be a better missionary to be the right example. It has helped me grow a lot. Also we dont know a lot of people so we spend a lot of time finding which is hard work. Elder Perez is a great missionary tho and I dont need to teach him much, he has taught me. This week the lessons picked up a little we also received a new investigator who is pretty solid. The sisters have been teaching her for awhile and she has a baptismal date for Aug 11, she just moved into our area so now we will be teaching her. She is 16 and her mom and her sister are Inactive members. we dont know her very well yet but she has a great spirit and really desires to be baptized but is nervous. We are excited to work with her and her family.
So the work is progressing. It feels good to walk the streets and help others that had never seen us in this area know who we are and progress this work. Harder work is always more rewarding and I can feel it already.
I am sorry to hear about Bonnie I will make sure to keep her in my prayers, she is a great and strong woman and I know she can heal especially through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
It sounds like the Temple was a sweet experience for Maclean. I hope it was. I Love the Temple. It is the house of the Lord. I grew to know that through going. It just like the scriptures, you have to read them to gain a testimony of them. I am so pumped the he is almost going on his mission. It is the best ever.
Well I better get going but I love you all and I hope you have a great week. Mom dont ware yourself out too much.
Love Yous,
Elder Tanner Boyer
Ps yes we can wear khakis haha but I am pretty sure we wont wear colored shirts ever. I hope not.. I wouldnt feel like a missionary.
Oh and for my address I guess we need to buy a mailbox so we will the address on the letter i sent is probably wrong... so I will let you know next week. Okay les quero!!

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