Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letter 41:: 8/19/2013

Well it sounds like you all are having just had a great week last week of summer. What could be better than hanging out at BL and then movies on the deck. Sounds like it was a little crazy over there last night.. haha that is good. It is nuts that summer is already over and you all are heading back to school this week.. and all the kids except Titus are in school. that is pretty cool. I keep forgetting that they get older, who knows what they look like now.. Oh and good luck with the triathlon that always is a good time. :)
I am sure Maclean is getting anxious to leave but hey make sure you get those pants right.. it makes all the difference ;) I have ripped two pairs of pants out here...  but they weren't the suit pants so that is good. Although I kind of melted my suit pants from ironing them.. Oh the joys of missionary life, good stuff. I still haven't got the cooking thing down tho. We pretty much eat cereal or a sandwiches and that is the extent of what we do. and then the members give us some sweet meals. Hispanic food is amazing but a little weird sometimes. 
Well this week we were very blessed, It was a great week in missionary work. Earlier in the week we met with our investigators Orlin and Sandra. They were doing well but still had doubts about this church being the only true church. As we met with them we were able to solve some of those concerns. Especially for Sandra and they told us that we were going to be serious now and do all they need to do to find out if it is true. Which is great because of they do they will find out :) Later in the week we met with them again. They had read the Book of Mormon and they really liked it! Sandra is totally in and told us before we even asked her that she was coming to church tomorrow, also she said that Orlin is a little hard headed and isnt sure if he wants to go yet. But it was a good lesson. Then the next day.. Sandra came to church and stayed all three hours. She enjoyed it as well. 
Also we prepared a lot this week for Keirys baptism. she went to girls camp and had a great experience and made a lot of friends in the ward, which is awesome. she passed her interview and was already. Unfortunately she wasnt able to be baaptizd yesterday but will be next week for sure. She is super solid. She did come to church and they asked girls to come up and bare their testimony in sacrament. she was asked to go but she is very shy and didnt want to go, A couple of the girls young women saw this so they lovingly took her hand and went up there with. after a few minutes of quiet she spoke and it was a great testimony. we hope to just keep her strong and ready that she can be baptized next week :) SO please pray for her.
Last experience that was a miracle. One of our members whose name is Javier and is a straight stud. He goes on team ups with us and seriously is a hispanic form of Elder Pico. anyways he lives in the same house as a non member couple. The wifes name is Alejandra, he has talked to her about the gospel before and the missionaries taught her about 1 month ago before be got here. At first she wasnt sure she wanted us back. She had a concern that the missionaries had said that the Bible is incomplete and she is religious and loves the Bible. but finally we were able to set up an appointment with her. As we met we sat down and she told us she wanted to learn more about the Book of Mormon. She had already prayed about it and hadnt received an answer, but she said she didnt know much about it. So we simply opened up to the introduction and read it with her.  We said very few words. This is when I learned that the Holy Ghost does the teaching. As we were reading and talking she stopped us and with a huge smile on her face, she told us she had just been praying in her head to know if it was true and that at that moment she was feeling something she had never felt before. we stayed quiet and let her explain. She said she felt a burning inside and that it is the best feeling she has ever felt. She then said " I know this Book is true!" She did what she needed and received and answer. We then invited her to be baptized, at first she asked us if she would need to be baptized in this church if the Book is true. We then explained that the Book of Mormon is the evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the true church of Jesus Christ was restored on the earth and is "the only true and living church on the face of the whole earth" . She then agreed to be baptized. We still need to set a date tho :) 
In that experience I learned two things especially. That we really are the Lords servants. and that the spirit really is the teacher. We literally hardly said anything and she knew it was true. 
The Book of Mormon is true. I know and it changes lives. Read It! everyday :) Mom I am so happy you are reading it and loving it. you are my example. So are you dad with your scripture knowledge :)
 Here is what President Jeppson said about the Book of Mormon this week 

"The Book of Mormon continues to be a great source of inspiration for our mission. We’re a 
little over ½ way through with the challenge to read it by the end of September. How are you 
doing? I’m pluggin along. My problem is, I read and re-read passages several times to make 
sure I understand…check footnotes (not all, but some). I’ll often ponder over them and then 
move on. It makes things go a little slower, but I’m going strong. I love the Book of Mormon.
It brings me peace, hope and faith. My testimony of its truth continues to grow stronger, even
though I’ve been reading it for nearly 50 years. And some people say that Joseph Smith made 
it up…yeah, right!?!"

The book is blue and it is true, and they got a red one too :) 
I have another sweet experience but  dont know if I have time...:(
I will write it next week 
Love you, Have a great weeek!

ps. sorry dad, I really dont remember where the carbon monoxide thing is.. 
oh and I got a mail box this is the address 319 Franklin Blv. Apt. 108 A  
                                                                Somerset, NJ 08873

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